Becoming a Trusted Voice Podcast
Becoming a trusted voice podcast is a casual unscripted conversation with Mike Gonzalez. In each episode you’ll hear stories of how leaders are building trust with their audiences in an ever changing B2B Marketing Landscape.
Listen to the latest Becoming a Trusted Voice episode
Retain customers for life with a personalization strategy.
Reading Time: 5 minutes Your customers want the brands they love to understand what they want, what they’re interested in, and what they believe (both about themselves and the world). In this episode, I talk about the 4 things every brand needs to create a personalization strategy.
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Retain customers for life with a personalization strategy.
Reading Time: 5 minutes Your customers want the brands they love to understand what they want, what they’re interested in, and what they believe (both about themselves and the world). In this episode, I talk about the 4 things every brand needs to create a personalization strategy.
400 million downloads! How to launch an idea that resonates with your audience w/ Bobby Gruenewald
Have an app idea? Ever dreamed of making a successful app? In this episode, we hear first-hand from Bobby Gruenewald, Pastor of Innovation at Life.Church and the founder of YouVersion. Learn how he navigated these questions in the early days of launching the bible on...
3 Bizarre Questions that Lead to Clarity.
Reading Time: < 1 minute Every business was started by a movement or cause. A movement precedes marketing. What is the movement that drives the messaging of your business? In this episode, Mike Kim shares 3 questions that lead to clarity within your marketing.
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4 steps to help your team work efficiently, from home during a pandemic.
If you are among the many leaders in areas greatly affected by a pandemic like the Coronavirus (COVID-19) – You may find yourself facing the decision to work remotely or to close your doors. If you're contemplating the idea of letting your staff work remotely, where...
Retain customers for life with a personalization strategy.
There was a time when the average person would not use their real name on the internet. Coming up with a clever username was an art. It involved combining your hobby with your gender and the year we were born or graduated (skaterboy88 or soccerchic91). In the...
Clarity gives you the authority to be prescriptive.
No one wants a doctor to perform open-heart surgery if they’re suffering from a Vitamin D deficiency. Bloodwork gives the doctor the clarity and the authority to prescribe. Why then do we treat every business book, workshop, or online course as the miracle drug? We...
Get a tailored Go-to Market Strategy to appeal to the right audience.